Shop Management System

Grow your business now with WFN

Tired of taking orders by hand... And always searching for orders...

Start for Free using the Shop Management System developed for flower shop just like yours.

No risk and user friendly even for those who don't have any experience with computers.

Accessible from everywhere

Easy to use and accessible form work, home, mobile, vacation... Connect to your shop always anywhere!

Dashboard (User-friendly)

Have access to all information and no need to be good at computers, anyone can manage the Shop Mamngement System.

Taking Orders

Take new orders, easy rapid search, complete customer history... A time-saver for all flower shop using the Shop Management System!

Delivery Management

Manage delivery status with visual support & delivery confirmation in one click for higher purchase experience.


Complete statistics on employees and flower shop performance.


Print sales, taxes & many more reports in just one click. A huge time saver for all flower shop.

Customer experience

Higher purchase experience of all your customers informed automatically by email on every step of his order such as invoice, modification on his order, order on his way, order delivered or no one home order.


Online support directly from you Shop Management System 7 days a week.